How might we re-employ, redeploy or tap into a new pool of HR-related people and skills?


Talent Redeployment Solution

HRvsVirus Hackathon Talent Redeployment

Apply Design Thinking to Personal Career Development

We invite you to join us for a new kind of Hackathon weekend. One designed for the job seeker. We call it Apply Design Thinking to Personal Career Development (ADT-PCD). Imagine a new exploratory career adventure where diverse job seekers are connected to a team of mentors collaborating to help the job seeker Discover, Ideate and Prototype a career path that is customized to the current hiring demand in the marketplace.

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How might organizations better integrate flexible work models that benefit both, the employer and the worker (incl. part-time, freelance, and full-time)?

hr.hackathon flexible work

The top Flexible Work ideas